Bình xả khí Firepro Aerosol FP20

Danh mục:

FirePro Fire Extinguishing Generator
FP-20SE / FP-20T / FP-20TH

Model FP-20SE / FP-20T / FP-20TH*
Activation mechanismElectrical (min. 1.5V DC, 0.8A in 3-4 sec)
*FP-20TH Thermal Activation Only
Current intensity to be tested Maximum 5 mA
Weight (gross) 310 g (excluding bracket)
Mass of FPC compound 20 g
Operational discharge time 5 – 10 seconds
Discharge length 1 m
Dimensions (Height : Diameter) 170 mm : 32 mm (incl. connector housing)
Fire Class A, B, C, F

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